What is Ayurveda and How Does it Work?

What is Ayurveda and How Does it Work?

An ayurvedic therapy is a natural form of medicine that has originated in the Indian subcontinent. The word “ayurveda” comes from Sanskrit words which means “knowledge of life.” Ayurveda is practiced primarily in India, where it is the traditional system of medicine. Ayurvedic treatments are based on the idea that our health can be achieved by balancing our doshas, or energies.

Ayurveda uses plants and minerals for medicinal purposes. The plants are used to treat diseases and ailments by increasing or decreasing certain bodily functions to achieve homeostasis. They also use oils, ghee, honey, salt, sesame seeds and turmeric as medicines.

Ayurveda was first mentioned in Hindu texts dating back to 1,000 BCE. It has been practiced since the 6th Century BC in India. According to Ayurvedic medicine, everyone’s body type is different and people have different constitutions.

Ayurveda believes that everything in nature has three qualities called gunas: sattva (calming), rajas (active), and tamas (destructive). The body’s health depends on the balance of these three qualities.

One thought on “What is Ayurveda and How Does it Work?”

  • Arista Williamson
    Arista Williamson
    October 15, 2020

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