
Yakrit is a Sanskrit word meaning Liver. Its most important part of body because only liver decides what is good for body and what’s not and allow it to enter into our blood stream in required form.

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Yakrit is a Sanskrit word meaning Liver. Its most important part of body because only liver decides what is good for body and what’s not and allow it to enter into our blood stream in required form. disorders sun as hymeticia, Hain chester, Paos, Aeries and enem Bal sensitiregulation Constipation, Jaundice, Hepatitis and Cirrhosis without knowing that problem lies in our liver and liver is asking for rescue.

As data show that Patients with diabetes have a high prevalence of liver disease and patients with liver disease have a high prevalence of diabetes. Diabetes Care 2007 Mar; 30(3): 734-743. All these data suggest that before popping any medicine or if taking any medicine one should also take care of liver and must take Yakrti life syrup. Some Scientific Facts of Yakrit Life Syrup Ingredients Seabuckthorn has useful clinical approach to mitigate hepatitis B, alcoholic liver injury, non-alcoholic fatty liver and other immunity-related liver diseases. PLos One. 2020; 15(9): e0238810.

B. diffusa and Tinospora cordifolia (giloy) significantly attenuats drug and chemical induced hepatitis and restores biochemical (rise of serum AST, ALT, APT, and bilirubin) and histopathological changes in liver. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014/ British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research,ISSN: 2231-2919,Vol.: 3, Issue.: 4 (October-December). By stimulating the flow of bile, Chicory (kasni) is considered to useful in gallstones, biliary insufficiency, gastritis, and splenomegaly. Pharmacogn Mag. 2011 Apr-Jun; 7(26): 151-156.

Solanum nigrum (makoi) extract contains potential antiviral agents against HCV and combination of SN extract with interferon will be better option to treat chronic HCV. Virol J. 2011; 8: 26. P. kurroa (kutki) and its active principles have been shown to have hydrocholeretic activity and increase bile production thus useful in fatty liver and improving cholesterol.J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2010 Jul-Sep; 1(3): 203-210.

Who can take it as supportive supplement?

  • Diabetics
  • Persons feeling fatigue
  • Digestive problems (like Acidity, Belching, Mouth ulcers, Burning sensation etc)
  • High cholesterol, Constipation
  • Hepatitis(A,B,C)
  • Jaundice, Drinkers
  • Skin problems
  • Prone to allergies
  • Lifr PHARM
  • Yakrit
  • LIFE

Liver Detox


Adult dose: 1-2 tsp twice or thrice daily preferably before meal.
Children: Half the adult dose.
Drinkers: As described above. Additional 10-15ml can be taken before or in between drinking to avoid hangover, when drink in moderate.


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